Name: Shuro Kageshima
Hero Name: Shade
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Allignment: Lawful-Neutral
Size: 1.82 (5'9")
Weight: 93Kg (205 Lbs)
Species: Human
Country of Origin: Japan
Sexuality: Asexual (Can be swayed)
Profession: Student
Quirk: Shadow
Personality: Shuro is a true lone wolf, he doesn't want help from anyone when it comes to his own problems, he can be very cold but at the same time he also cares deeply for others.
-Shadow portal, he can create a shadow portal from one shadowy area to another, working as a waygate, works for up to 50 miles
-Shadow sleep, he can put people to sleep by connecting his shadow to their body, they will wake up immediately if something breaks the shadow contact.
-Shadow shelter, he can hide and move through the shadows
Weapons: None, uses his quirk to fight only.
Likes: not a whole lot
Dislikes: his father
Fears and Phobias: he doesn't talk about them
Scars and Marks: stab scars in his abdomen.
Birthday: November 9th