Name: Zeke Abbernathy
Nickname: The Wolf
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Allignment: Chaotic-Good
Size: 5'9''
Weight: 156 Lbs
Species: Human
Nationality: Korean
Sexuality: Asexual
Profession: Professional Wrestler (WWE)
Personality: outside of the ring Zeke is a joy to be around, he likes to laugh, have fun and spend time with his friends, in the ring he plays the bad guy, which is a complete flip of his personality, he is the heel who doesn't hold back.
-Strong: Despite his appearance Zeke is very strong, he can bench 500 Lbs, lift up grown men and fling them across the ring.
Weapons: all he needs: his fists.
Likes: WWE, Acting, friends, going out
Dislikes: barely anything
Fears and Phobias: none
Scars and Marks: he has plenty marks from his wrestling career, he dishes it out but also receives it back just as hard. he has many scars from bones piercing through his skin in wrestling incidents as well as had several broken bones in the past.
Birthday: May 1st